Indeed, Mr. Braun said yesterday that the way to keep users on Yahoo's site longer — and thus be able to show them more advertising — was to offer ways they can create their own content and look at content created by others. He pointed to the site Yahoo built for the 2006 Winter Olympics, which prominently featured photographs from Flickr, Yahoo's photo-sharing site, along with articles both by news agencies and by a few columnists exclusive to Yahoo. "I now get excited about user-generated content the way I used to get excited about thinking about what television shows would work," he said.
The Web 2.0 is all about sharing, connecting, communicating. Social Media works when it allows people to express themselves; kep connected to family & friends; share what matters to people; and allows for control of who sees it. As Jennifer Rice explains:
Above risk aversion we find connection and belonging. Combine this fundamental need with the fact that our society has become extremely fragmented, and you've got (IMO) the primary fueling factor for the explosion of social technologies like blogs, wikis and forums.
On the creative / business side, it is about collaboration and productivity. Broadband Penetration - the capturing of the market, the selling deep into a lit area, the creation of customers - is about telling the story from the customer side about connecting, sharing, producing, creating, expressing and communicating.
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