Monday, August 10, 2020

50 Ideas in 50 Minutes

Google just announced that Google Play Music will shut down. While downloading the music from there, I came across a bunch of my old webinar recordings.

50 Ideas in 50 Minutes was my start in speaking at conferences in 2006. The list of ideas is on Marketing Idea Guy.  My slides from ISPCON Fall 2008 are HERE.

What is funny reading all the blog posts on Marketing Idea Guy is the topics are still relevant - and I started writing there in 2006 (80 pages of blog posts!).  I also was a blogger for Phone+ for a year (2007), then on TMC from 2008 till 2017. Besides this Blogger blog, I also have MarketingIdeaGuy and This one is the one most relevant to ISP or NSP. 

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