Tom Peters again in his Excellence No Excuses ebook (844 pages btw).
"Moore’s Law and the Second Half of the Chessboard."
"“Change” is not the issue — change has always been with us. But “this time” may truly be different. The ACCELERATION of change is unprecedented — hence, the time for requisite action is severely compressed." - Tom Peters
People First. We live in the Connection Economy, which means that through social networks - LinkedIn, Facebook, twitter, snapchat - we are connected to more people than ever before. News travels fast. So fast!
BFO* #1: If you (RELIGIOUSLY) help people — EVERY SINGLE PERSON, JUNIOR OR SENIOR, LIFER OR TEMP — grow and reach/exceed their perceived potential, then they in turn will bust their individual and collective butts to create great experiences for Clients — and the “bottom line” will get fatter and fatter and fatter. (ANYBODY LISTENING?) (PEOPLE FIRST = MAXIMIZED PROFITABILITY)
The “People FIRST” message is 10X more urgent than ever in the high-engagement “AGE OF SOCIAL BUSINESS.”
WE ARE/BECOME WHO WE HANG OUT WITH. <- Jim Rohn said that we would be the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. That means that if you want to be better, get better, be choosy about who you spend time with.
Customer Entanglements -- read these and try one or 2!
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