I just read this article, 12 Most Heart-stopping Leadership Lessons from a Black Hawk Down Army Ranger. Interesting enough that I ordered the book.
The book, Get It On! by Army Ranger and Country Music Artist Keni Thomas, is a"bout the leadership lessons gleaned through his experience fighting in the 18-hour urban Battle of Mogadishu that took place on October 3-4, 1993, better known to all of us as “Black Hawk Down."
Be willing to carry the burden of leadership when you are given the gifts of a leader; know when to be a good follower.
Each one of us is a piece of the puzzle that makes everything work.
You, as the leader, must be the source of vision, purpose, expectation and hope.
We are all human.
Tangentially, here is an article about "60% of Work Teams Fail—Top 10 Reasons Why". Some people blame not planning. Some people say you don't have to have a plan. I think the act of planning let's you think out who, what, where, why, how - whether you write that out as a full fledged plan is up to you, but the act of thinking it through is important.
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