"According to AMI-Partners’ latest U.S. SMB Cloud Services Study, the software-as-a-service customer relationship management (or, SaaS CRM) market—already representing 570,000 U.S. SMB firms—is set to undergo double-digit year-over-year growth in the next five years," reports the TSJ. [BTW, that study is just $19,500.00 and was published in Oct. 2010.]
Are you using CRM? You might want to consider it.
The biggest problem I see with CRM is that there is so little differentiation among the CRM providers. In other words, why use Salesforce over MS over Zoho? I asked earlier What CRM are you using?
I remember when Atlantic.Net was rolling out Hosted VoIP service, Marty had the idea that 411 would be answered by his staff, who could then look it up for the customer and offer concierge services - and offer preferred vendors that paid for the service. It was a good idea.
VZ has rolled out Customer Concierge Service. Is there anything that you can learn from that? Or from the fact that MSP's make money from SAAS CRM?
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