Friday, May 21, 2010

Tunica Meeting for CLEC's and ISP's

FISPA is putting its next event on in Tunica, Mississippi. (No idea why, so don't ask). It's 26 miles south of Memphis with casinos. ANY way...

The topics will include the following:

  • Banking & Finance Committee Meeting
  • Charter Users Group Meeting
  • Telx Users Group Meeting
  • ATT Users Group
  • SaaS: what's in the box
  • Show me the money: Leasing 101
  • FISPA Network Alliance Program (F-NAP)
  • CLEC Committee Meeting
  • CLEC Therapy
  • Regulatory creep, taxes, and compliance
  • VoIP therapy

Good info there for CLEC's. Much more there for ISP's reselling from Ma Bell.

If you are a WISP, what topics are you looking for?

If you are a CLEC, what more can we add to get you to Tunica?

I put up a survey here.


New topics include:

  1. How to Sell Managed Services
  2. Selling Fat Pipe to Phat Clients
  3. Fill Up that Data Center with Paying Customers
  4. Marketing with Email

Your ticket price ($159 early bird!!!) includes meals on 6/21-23. Hotel rooms at the casino - Gold Strike Casino Resort - are going for about $60 per day including fees under the conference rate. Register here!

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