For an update on the Net Neutrality filing at the FCC, check out this article from GigaOm. "The Federal Communications Commission has received 23,137 filings and more than 100,000 comments" on this docket (WC Docket No. 07-52 and GN Docket No. 09-191).
Free Press has parsed some of the comments for you here.
Om wrote about Skype's take on NN here.
Of course, the Duopoly and their respective mouth-piece orgs oppose any NN regulation. The interesting piece was Google saying that the FCC doesn't have the authority. Something that the court is saying about the Comcast case. Then Google filed with Verizon on this docket!! BTW, GOOG says: "Our interest in this proceeding is straightforward: to keep the Internet awesome for everybody."
Even more disturbing is that the FCC is even looking at Managed Services.
What the FCC should be examining is Bundling.
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