Because I am heading off to the VOIP 2.0 show in Lauderdale, I figured I would rant about VOIP for a minute.
The most important part of VOIP is finding a provider that can successfully LNP the phone numbers and offer E-911. That is the basis for the whole deal. All the bells and whistles after that are fine.
And it is NOT about price, unless you are selling to consumers. Businesses want Productivity, Collaboration, and Value. You don't get that for $29.95 per month.
The next phase of VOIP will be about Integrating systems into Voice like CRM, email, Billing, Accounting - as it is with IVR. We have heard the flag waving for Convergence for years. And Unified Messaging. As if either term means ANYTHING substantial to the business owner.
Most VoIP Providers don't even know what their value proposition is -- or what they are selling. Ask them! I have at many shows, only to receive some the brochure puked on me.
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