Helio is the 5-month-old joint cellular MVNO venture between EarthLink and Korea's SK Telecom Co. Sky Dayton, CEO of Helio, "disclosed to The Associated Press that Helio has been generating average revenue per user of about $100 per month. About $25 of that comes from Helio's mobile data offerings, including a custom link to the MySpace social networking service." Helio's subscriber numbers are estimated at sub-20,000. There are 42 MVNO's in the US. Sprint is "serving about 20 other brands. At midyear, those MVNOs accounted for 5.3 million users," on the Sprint Network. [MVNO is the new UNE-P].
"It took more than three years and nearly 4 million subscribers for Virgin Mobile USA to turn an operating profit, a milestone reached in the first quarter of 2006. Virgin, a youth-oriented service, is owned jointly by Sprint Nextel Corp. and Virgin Mobile Holdings PLC."
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