Thursday, August 24, 2006

VZ FiOS vs. CableVision in Metro NY

Great article about cable versus telco. Interesting numbers:
  • Cable has 62 million TV subscribers
  • "VZ generated revenue of $75 billion last year, more than all cable operators combined."
  • VZ will have passed 6M homes by year's end and only have 46,000 IPTV customers
  • $70 billion - how much MSOs spent in the last decade to upgrade its networks
  • They still have that debt lying around
  • "Verizon's 47 million local lines as of June 30 are down 7.4% from that point last year."
  • FiOS: "is a play to make sure they're not irrelevant"
  • FiOS, at a cost of nearly $900 per home passed.
  • "When someone signs up, Verizon spends $715 more for the typical five-hour, two-person job to tie the home to the system."
  • "At the pace Verizon is rolling out service, Bear Stearns estimates that Cablevision subscriber losses will be about 2.1% by 2010. In a mature industry lacking subscriber growth, that's worth a fight."
  • One of the bigger losers in the telco-cable battle is DirecTV and DISH. Hurting.

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