Friday, August 11, 2006

VoIP Numbers 2Q

TeleGeography has released its Q2 report on the U.S. consumer VoIP market, a part of its U.S. VoIP Resarch Service, a subscription-based service. The report provides updates on market size & forecasts, the competitive landscape, regulatory issues, consumer attitudes, service provider profiles, and an analsyis of the growing marketplace. The firm finds that U.S. consumer VoIP subscriptions grew 21% in Q2, down from 28% growth in Q1. Total new subscriptions for the quarter totaled 1.23 million, bringing the total installed base of VoIP subscriptions to 6.9 million, a 153% increase over the year.
Service Provider Market Leaders (Source: TeleGeography) Provider ------- Subs ----------- Subs Added in Q2 Vonage: ---- 1.8M -------------- 243,000 Time Warner: -- 1.6M----------- 234,000 Cablevision: -- 987,542------- 122,542 Comcast: ---- 721,000 ------- 305,000
Telephia, a completely separate research firm, is reporting that Verizon and AT&T ended Q2 with around 160,000 subs each.

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