Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Net2Phone numbers from last quarter

Net2Phone was eaten by IDT and will not report any more numbers for this division. So we look at last quarters numbers:
  1. Net2Phone, Inc. announced results for the 2Q of fiscal 2006 ended January 31, 2006.
  2. Firmwide revenue for 2Q06 totaled $25.8M.
  3. As of the end of the quarter, Net2Phone had more than 85,000 broadband telephony subscriber lines, including 13,000 subscribers from Altice One's cable properties, which Net2Phone is no longer servicing as a result of the aforementioned change of ownership of the Altice cable properties. [So really 62,000].
  4. Quarterly gross profit of $10.5 million
  5. Net loss for the second quarter was ($4.1) million

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