Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Another Skype Knock-Off

IP Pulse reports that WebPoint Communications has launched FreeDigits, a PC to phone or phone to phone service that provides subscribers with free, unlimited inbound calling but yet charges 3 cents per minute for outbound calling within North America. Subscribers must have a broadband connection and for phone to phone support, they must purchase a terminal adapter. The service features assignment of a U.S. based phone number, voicemail, voicemail forwarding to another phone or to email, caller ID, speed dial, message waiting indicator, and 3-way calling. LNP is supported in some markets. All outbound calls made through the service are private - with subscribers' numbers not appearing on caller IDs or being traceable in any way. The company is marketing the service as a way for teens to expand Internet communications to include phone calls without having to reveal their phone number. However, the anonymity features are likely to be more attractive to scam artists.

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