Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Social Media - a follow-up

Yesterday RAD-INFO ran a webinar on How to Add Revenue through Web Apps. For Residential ISPs, Social Media is something to watch. This issue of Business 2.0 features the Top 25 Internet companies to watch (Web 2.0).
  • Social media: Digg,, Newsvine, Tagworld, YouTube, and Yahoo
  • Mashups and Filters: Bloglines, Eurekster, Simply Hired, Technorati, Trulia, and Google
  • New Phone: Fonality, SIPphone, Iotum, Vivox, and Skype
  • (Funny, but in a separate article it says that MSOs are dominating VOIP)
  • WebTop: JotSpot, 30Boxes, 37Signals, Writely, Zimbra and Microsoft
  • (Zimbra is online email powered with AJAX)
  • Under the Hood: Brightcove, Jigsaw, SimpleFeed,, SixApart, and
  • Veoh, a San Diego Internet video start-up, is taking on the the likes of YouTube, iFilm, and vSocial.

The slides from the webinar are available online. Also, get a free 30-day trial of HyperOffice collaboration suite by emailing me at peter at rad-info dot net.

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