Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Sprint Taking Advantage, Is your Company?

While SBC quietly tries to swallow AT&T and Qwest and Verizon fight over MCI, Sprint is silently making moves. Sprint has been wholesaling their wireless network. "Sprint has launched several initiatives to steal enterprise customers away from AT&T and MCI while both are preoccupied with merger activities. These include offering the wireless industry’s first agreements that provide for customer rebates if service fails to meet defined standards. Sprint also offers several tools to help businesses manage and integrate wireless and wired communications. Sprint is the only carrier that operates a national wired and wireless network - something SBC and Verizon are trying to establish through mergers. It’s a strength Sprint is aggressively pushing. And if Qwest wins MCI, Sprint’s position is even better since neither MCI nor Qwest has a wireless network. Qwest, in fact, buys wholesale wireless from Sprint to resell under its brand. Industry experts say Sprint’s position is superb and that the nimble third-place operator may have as much as two years to maneuver before telecom’s giants sort themselves out. "

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