I am ending the year with these 5 articles to share.
Seth writes about a grocery store, but it could be YOUR business. "My only theory is this: He fights mediocrity every single day."
I got an email from John McAfee. That is just one of the weird things that show up in my inboxes. John McAfee Launches Everykey, New Product that Replaces
Passwords and Keys, on Indiegogo
I sent this to my personal list and they liked it so I am sharing with you as well. 50 Ways Happier, Healthier, And More Successful People Live On Their Own Terms.
Hugh MacLeod writes about the Mission Statement here.
James Altucher is weird. His writing is exactly how he thinks (like mine I guess). I don't agree with all of these things, but you will likely get a lightbulb going off for 1 or 2. And that is the key --- just try 1 or 2 new things, improve every month.

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