The Top 13 IP backbones in 2013 by Renesys are:
- Level3 (both as L3 and GC)
- Telia Sonera
- Cogent
- Tata
- Sprint
- Verizon
- Tele Italia Sparkle
- China Telecom
- XO
- HE
These are big changes from 2006: In 2006, Renesys' "top 13 providers were Sprint, Level 3, Verizon, Savvis, AT&T, NTT, Global Crossing, Qwest, TeliaSonera, Tata, AboveNet, Cogent and Telecom Italia, in that order. During the subsequent eight years, Sprint fell from #1 to #7, Verizon declined from #3 to #8, and AT&T left the Baker’s Dozen entirely, tumbling from #5 to #14. In 2012, AboveNet (formerly #11) was acquired by Zayo Group and now ranks #26 globally, just behind France Telecom." Savvis & Qwest got bought by CenturyLink. Global Crossing was acquired by Level3.
GTT is interesting. GTT
operates "a global Tier 1 IP network with one of the most interconnected Ethernet service platforms around the world." GTT has about 2,000 customers in over 100 countries. They just floated stock for $200 million.
If you need Internet bandwidth from these or any carrier, please contact RAD-INFO INC for a quote and provisioning. 813-963-5884
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