Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Selling Cloud Services: Live Class

Just scheduled a live, interactive class in Atlanta for Monday, July 22, 2013.

Selling Cloud Services will be a three and one-half hour interactive dive into the sales process, discovery, and the mindset of both the buyer and seller.

The VIP ticket comes with not just a paperback copy of my book but a money back guarantee! At the end, if you don't think it was worth it, tell me and I will refund your money.

Space is very limited - just 14 seats! Very interactive this way. I just did something very similar for a very large CLEC in California and the team enjoyed the format.

Look what one attendee had to say:

"Peter Radizeski has the unique ability to communicate his message with extreme clarity. I’ve had the opportunity to hear several presentations, and each time I walk away with an action plan. From strategic planning to building culture, his delivery motivates the audience to produce results. Many speakers can inspire, very few leave the audience with a working plan that produces tangible results. Every presentation has been well researched and contains the most current examples and information available." - Clay Colvin, Georgia Business Net, Inc.

You better grab one of the seats NOW!

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