Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2013: Do More than Re-Do 2012

2013 is a new year. Let's not just coast through 2013 (like some did in 2012). Do more than re-do 2012. 2013 shouldn't be a remix of 2011 either.

Got goals? What about your theme? Finish this sentence: "2013 is the year of_____." Are your goals, theme, values & priorities aligned? - Keith Rosen.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high & we miss it, but that it is too low & we reach it." Stretch yourself. Growth happens outside your comfort zone - when you are uncomfortable.

Remember, people “buy” for their reasons, not necessarily yours. Don't sell the way YOU buy.

Get to know your Customers - especially your top customers. When was the last time you had lunch with a customer?

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