Friday, July 15, 2011

Florida PSC Dereg Bill

On April 28, 2011, the Legislature enacted CS/CS/HB 1231, creating the Regulatory Reform Act. On May 6, 2011, it was approved by the Governor. It is now Chapter No. 2011-36, Laws of Florida, effective July 1, 2011.

According to the House of Representatives Staff Analysis, dated April 15,2011, the bill does the following:

  • Removes the PSC's regulatory oversight of basic local telecommunications service and non-basic service, including service quality and price regulation.
  • Removes the PSC's regulatory oversight of intra-state inter-exchange services, operator services, and shared tenant services.
  • Promotes the adoption of broadband without the need for government subsidies.
  • Consolidates existing provisions related to the PSC's oversight of carrier-to-carrier relationships for purposes of ensuring fair and effective competition among telecommunications service providers.
  • Replace the requirement that telecommunications service providers obtain from the PSC a certificate of necessity with a requirement that such providers obtain from the PSC a certificate of authority to provide service and establish the criteria for obtaining such a certificate.

This is the end of regulation of telecom in Florida. And it's too late! Effective date: July 1, 2011. [Senate Bill]

This is the best! The talking points for this bill from Keep Them Honest Florida:

The economic benefits of these regulatory reforms have been estimated at $7.5 billion in economic stimulus and 143,405 jobs being created and/or saved. And it is vital that Florida modernize its telecommunications regulations and remove free-market barriers.

Citizens for a Digital Future headlines: "Florida Senate Passes Bill That Will Modernize Outdated Telecom Laws"

Can you say AstroTurf? State and Federal politicians are selling our nation to the highest bidder.

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