Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Over 200 Bidders for the 700 Auction

Auction of the 700 MHz Band Licenses; Upfront Payment Deadline Rescheduled for Jan. 4, 2008; Mock Auction Rescheduled; Status of Short-Form Applications to Participate in Auction 73. (DA No. 07-5030) The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau announces the upfront payment deadline for the auction of 700 MHz Band licenses has been changed to Jan. 4, 2008, and announces the status of applications received for Auction 73. The list of Accepted Applications are here. The list of incomplete applications includes PART-15.ORG!!!

Cellcos that are bidding, of course: VZW and Ma Bell, Alltel, Leap Wireless and MetroPCS. Not Sprint nor T-Mobile - both of whom have plenty of unused spectrum. T bought AWS spectrum and Sprint has all that 2.x WiMax spectrum for XOHM.

Towerstream, Qualcomm, Cablevision, Cox, Google, Frontline Wireless and Chevron are also bidders. (Chevron probably wants Gulf of Mexico rights). [Story on Cox bidding]. [ on Towerstream's bid].

Mexican telecom billionaire Carlos Slim Helu is backing a firm hoping to bid. Roy Disney is also backing a bidder. Microsoft co-founder and Charter cable majority shareholder Paul Allen is also set to bid through his Vulcan Ventures investment firm. has a story here.

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