Monday, November 13, 2006

Emerging Applications For A Connected World! Mark your calendars for the first Killer App Conference: April 30 – May 2. Learn about the new applications being enabled by high-bandwidth networks. Hosted by one of America's leading broadband cities, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
  1. Government: Public Safety, Homeland Security, Education, Remote Monitoring/SCADA, Traffic Control, E-Government, Military, GIS/Location based services
  2. Business: Videoconferencing, Collaborative Work, Building Security, Software-as-a-Service, Virtual LANs, Development/Building, Remote Workforce, GIS, CAD
  3. Education/Academic: Grid Computing, Remote Instrumentation, Distance Learning, Virtual Cultural Events
  4. Health Care: Telemedicine, Telesurgery, PACS, Patient Monitoring
  5. Consumer: Home Networking, Broadband Video, Media/Entertainment, Online Gaming/Serious Games, Home Office, Home Security, P2P/Web2.0 Apps, Digital Services

While keeps up with the many uses of technology - broadband and apps, Atlantic-ACM reports on the demand: User-Generated Content Becoming Major Driver of Bandwidth Demand. At ISPCON, there were companies like Etelos that are offering the platform needed to allow your customers to blog, share video/pics, etc. The software is available to offer on-demand business apps as well, just ask John McKown at or There is lots of opportunity to stop selling connectivity and to offer your clients your expertise to get more from the Net.

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