Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Lure of Small Business

The NFIB does much for small business in America, especially lobbying efforta at both the state and federal levels. Join today! The NFIB member magazine has some great short articles like The Lure of Small by Emily McMackin.
Ever feel second best when you're looking to hire a new employee? Compared to small businesses, large corporations have more money, name recognition and benefits to attract the best and brightest employees. But bigger doesn't always mean better. Disillusioned with the rigid bureaucracy, shaky ethics and uncertain job security of some big businesses, many employees are leaving corporate America to work for small businesses. Not only are these corporate refugees finding the fulfillment they've sought all along, they are also growing their careers in ways they never thought possible. And small-business owners smart enough to lure them are finding hires eager to help them build their companies. Read the full story.

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