Tuesday, November 29, 2005

FCC to Vonage: Stop Selling

With the compliance deadline past (11/28/05), Vonage isn't looking good: "In its compliance report to the FCC, Vonage said only 26 percent of its customer base had full E911 services. The company — which has more than 1 million subscribers — said it was capable of transmitting a call back number and location for 100 percent of its subscribers, but that it still was waiting for cooperation from competitors that control the 911 network.".... 'There are about 3.6 million VoIP users in the United States. Of those, about half get their service from cable TV companies that already provide enhanced 911 capabilities. Other providers offer a 911 service that directs emergency calls to a general administrative number, but those lines haven't always been staffed around the clock." The FCC is not commenting on Enforcement (a word that I am not sure they understand when it comes to a Tele-Baron).

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