Tuesday, April 26, 2005

VZ Shines the Light on Muni-Wi-Fi

From TechDirt: "Whoops. The battle over muni-broadband has received plenty of attention over the past couple of months, but what really set it off was the big debate over muni-WiFi in Philadelphia. Before that, the battle over muni-broadband was a much more focused topic that not many people paid attention to. One of the biggest haters of muni-broadband is Verizon, but as WiFi Net News points out, it appears that Verizon's vehement attacks against muni-broadband (in particular in Philadelphia) have only served to generate much more interest in the idea. Municipal IT staff are suddenly interested in an offering that they had never considered before Verizon worked so hard to make it front page news. Someone involved with the Philadelphia plan claims: "We get calls from municipal IT managers, saying 'our mayor has decided he wants to jump on the bandwagon.' It wasn't a bandwagon till Verizon made it one.""

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