Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Level3 Expands in Nashville

"In addition to expanding its service portfolio, Level 3 will continue to expand its fiber-optic footprint, which already passes more than 3,000 business locations in middle Tennessee, including Davidson, Robertson and Williamson Counties." [source]

Level3 is committed to Type II service. If you are within 400 feet of L3 fiber, they will build out fiber to you. If not, they will go Type II to provide service. The problem with Type II is that that leased piece is expensive usually, since they are buying a loop from the ILEC tariff.

Funny thing is that Host.Net/WV Fiber just opened a new data center in Nashville. Peak 10 expanded there. XO increased its footprint there last year as well. Is Nashville booming?

How is TNWEB doing?

I will be in Nashville on June 24-25 speaking at the FISPA Meeting. You going? Let me know.

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