Monday, June 20, 2005

Offer services not bandwidth

from ISP Planet: "The problem seemed obvious. "We had sold bandwidth instead of value. Nobody gives a rat's ass about a connection. We spent a billion thinking people would pay for the freedom to connect, to go to 100 Mbps from $19.95 DSL connections." .... The problem was also the triple play. "The triple play is boring. If that's all we're going to talk about, I can go home, or go live in Europe where they have it already." .... He said services provided include remote IT support, financial services, remote alarm and video services (lower the insurance costs by $80 per month and charge $40 for the service), remote backup costing $1 per year per 10 GB. ..... "A 16 year old kid makes more than his parents on gaming." ... "It's all about providing opportunities." ... [My tagline this year has been: The closer you get to Layer 7, the less important the price of connectivity.]

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