Thursday, July 09, 2009

4 Reasons Business is Off

I read this article and chuckled because this was part of my Marketing session in Nashville. The Top 4 Reasons your business is off:

  1. Your website is awful and hasn't been updated since 2004. Your website is your online brochure and sales agent. (The portal site of news, etc., should be a separate page for customers).
  2. Your marketing is non-existent. At least send out a newsletter to current customers to be more than a bill to be paid to them. (Plus you might upsell them to gain more mind share).
  3. Your salespeople are not Dis-qualifying leads - and spending too much time on the wrong leads. (What's a Wrong Lead? Low margin deals or unqualified buyers.)
  4. You are not talking to your Top Customers to find out (a) why they buy from you; and (b) what else they might buy from you if you offered it (or they knew you supplied it).

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